1. 1978

    Beginning of the activities and opening of Rio de Janeiro’s headquarter, working for hydroelectric power plants and port construction.

  2. 1987

    First contract with oil and gas industry.

  3. 1988

    Beginning of subsea inspection activity, having Petrobras as the main client.

  4. 1995

    Acquisition of ANHK – diving support vessel.

  5. 1997

    First IRM (Inspection, Repair and Maintenance), OT (Oceanic Terminals), and FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) long-term contract.

  6. 2000

    First long-term contract to provide engineering services for the oil industry.

  7. 2001

    • Opening of operational base in Macaé (RJ). Most of the activities provided to meet the oil industry´s needs is concentrated in this region, where Petrobras has several administrative offices and one port. With this branch in the city, Oceânica was closer, geographically, to its clients, partners, and competitors.
    • Opening of its own Training Centers, installed in Macaé base, having training rooms and a diving tank for constant training and operation simulations for diving teams.
  8. 2008

    Certification ISO 14001, completing its Integrated Management System (SGO) that already had ISO 9001 and OSHAS 18001. The certification has allowed the company to compete for more demanding contracts.

  9. 2009

    GLP pipes launch in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – construction that included launching of subsea lines in an extension of 14 km.

  10. 2010

    Pipe laying from Ubarana platform, Guamaré (RN) – extension of 5 km.

  11. 2011

    Acquisition of OCEANICASUB II – Oceânica was qualified as EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) by Petrobras. Vessel charter.

  12. 2011 e 2012

    First Pull-in / Pull-out and CRD (Duct Repair Coordination) contract – With the possibility of performing diving in deeper water, even more structured engineering services and highly capacitated professionals, Oceânica signed two of the main contracts for contingency and repair.

  13. 2012

    Launching of pipelines between Atum and Xaréu platforms in Fortaleza (CE) – extension of 10 km.

  14. 2016

    Acquisition of OCEANICASUB III – Built with the same format of OCEANICASUB II, expanded the possibilities do meet new contracts.

  15. 2017

    Construction of OCEANICASUB IV and OCEANICASUB V – DSVs (Dive Support Vessel) with dynamic positioning (DP2), therefore more stable and with advanced technology to support inspection services.

  16. 2018

    Petrobras Award of Best Supplier in Diving Service Area and Petrobras Best Supplier Award as HSE Highlight – The public acknowledgement from the client reaffirms the steps taken by Oceânica throughout 40 years.

  17. 2019

    First Diverless contract – Oceânica’s pioneering spirit using ROV and mitigating the risk of exposure of our divers.

  18. 2020

    First Work Class ROV (RSV) contract – With the advance of deeper water explorations and the rising use of remote inspection vehicles, Oceânica acquired its first ROV for inspection and operation in deep waters.

  19. 2021

    • Creation of Training Center for Work Class ROVs (CTO), implementation of Diver of the Future Project, ROV Trainee and Operations Trainee Programs – Having as a characteristic the thorough training of its professionals, Oceânica opens one more training center in Maricá (RJ),specially focusing on activities with ROV use. The CTO has great structure for theoretical and practice training, with simulators and tanks for ROV.
    • Signing of relevant contracts, as a result of our innovative solutions: Pressure equalization, Hibernation and Lot C.



Shore approach / comissionamento 2
Inspeção de dutos rasos 6 IMR em estruturas offshore – SDSV 3
Dragagem e correção de vão livre IMR em estruturas offshore Mergulho 5

Descomissionamento 7

UWILD para FPSOs e submersíveis Inspeção de risers 9

Pull-in e Pull-out 10

Inspeção de mangotes 11

Inspeção de amarras 12

IMR em estruturas offshore – ROV

ROV Work Class até 3.000m de profundidade

Comissionamento de cabos
eletro-ópticos para eólicas offshore

  • Company name: Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
  • CNPJ:29.980.141/0001-08
  • State inscription:85.516.639
  • City inscription:51398-9
  • Address: Avenida das Américas, 3.434 - Bloco 01 - Salas 301 a 308 - Centro Empresarial Mario Henrique Simonsen - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) CEP: 22640-102
  • Telephone: (21) 2139-4250

Branch (Macaé):

  •  Company name:Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
  • CNPJ: 29.980.141/0003-61
  •  State inscription:76.116.628
  • City inscription:013076-1
  • Address:Rua Odete Coutinho Pereira, nº 225 Vale Encantado – Macaé (RJ) CEP: 27.933-390
  • Telephone:(22) 3321-6250

Branch (Rio das Ostras)

  • Company name: Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
  • CNPJ:  29.980.141/0004-42
  •  State inscription:79.524.603
  • City inscription:7819
  • Address:Avenida Zen, S/N - Lotes 1,2 e parte do lote 3 - Quadra B Zen - Rio das Ostras (RJ) CEP: 28.899-002
  • Telephone:(22) 3321-6300

Branch 6 (Rio das Ostras)

  • Company name: Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
  • CNPJ: 29.980.141/0006-04
  • Address:Rua do Engenheiro, Quadra F, Lt.10 Zen – Rio das Ostras (RJ) CEP: 28890-000
  • Telephone: (22) 3321-6300
