Beginning of the activities and opening of Rio de Janeiro’s headquarter, working for hydroelectric power plants and port construction.
Who we are
For over 45 years we have developed subsea solutions for the offshore energy industry. We are a Brazilian company with a strong presence in offshore asset integrity, assuring long term environmental sustainability.
We work within prevention, contingency and engineering, seeking risk mitigation of potential environmental impacts within our clients’ activities and increasing their assets service life.
We offer inspection, intervention and monitoring services for subsea structures. We also develop complete solutions for our clients, creating and optimizing engineering resources.
Our business strategy focuses on operational excellence and the safety of our operations, providing the best experience for our clients, environment sustainability and respect for society.
We work strongly within production maintenance support, especially performing essential prevention and conservation activities for O&G and renewable energy industries, supporting the subsea construction market and large enterprises within ports and hydroelectric power plants. We also work as a service provider for companies in other segments, such as telecommunications and mining.
Oceânica was formed as a company in 1978 and has been in continuous operation and expansion since that date. Its founder, Alfredo Califfa, inspired by his professional experience in subsea activities and motivated by the need of several national and international companies to execute subsea intervention services, started the company’s activities working for hydroelectric power plants and ports, to assure the safety of operations, the environment and people involved.
Willing to engage in challenging projects, Oceânica consistently maintains up-to-date industry standards and procedures and increases its services portfolio. Technological improvements are constantly embraced by the company regarding resources and equipment, operational bases, vessels, ROVs and other specialised forms of equipment. Combined with its employee capacity this ensures its leading market position.
First contract with oil and gas industry.
Beginning of subsea inspection activity, having Petrobras as the main client.
Acquisition of ANHK – diving support vessel.
First IRM (Inspection, Repair and Maintenance), OT (Oceanic Terminals), and FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) long-term contract.
First long-term contract to provide engineering services for the oil industry.
- Opening of operational base in Macaé (RJ). Most of the activities provided to meet the oil industry´s needs is concentrated in this region, where Petrobras has several administrative offices and one port. With this branch in the city, Oceânica was closer, geographically, to its clients, partners, and competitors.
- Opening of its own Training Centers, installed in Macaé base, having training rooms and a diving tank for constant training and operation simulations for diving teams.
Certification ISO 14001, completing its Integrated Management System (SGO) that already had ISO 9001 and OSHAS 18001. The certification has allowed the company to compete for more demanding contracts.
GLP pipes launch in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – construction that included launching of subsea lines in an extension of 14 km.
Pipe laying from Ubarana platform, Guamaré (RN) – extension of 5 km.
Acquisition of OCEANICASUB II – Oceânica was qualified as EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) by Petrobras. Vessel charter.
2011 e 2012
First Pull-in / Pull-out and CRD (Duct Repair Coordination) contract – With the possibility of performing diving in deeper water, even more structured engineering services and highly capacitated professionals, Oceânica signed two of the main contracts for contingency and repair.
Launching of pipelines between Atum and Xaréu platforms in Fortaleza (CE) – extension of 10 km.
Acquisition of OCEANICASUB III – Built with the same format of OCEANICASUB II, expanded the possibilities do meet new contracts.
Construction of OCEANICASUB IV and OCEANICASUB V – DSVs (Dive Support Vessel) with dynamic positioning (DP2), therefore more stable and with advanced technology to support inspection services.
Petrobras Award of Best Supplier in Diving Service Area and Petrobras Best Supplier Award as HSE Highlight – The public acknowledgement from the client reaffirms the steps taken by Oceânica throughout 40 years.
First Diverless contract – Oceânica’s pioneering spirit using ROV and mitigating the risk of exposure of our divers.
First Work Class ROV (RSV) contract – With the advance of deeper water explorations and the rising use of remote inspection vehicles, Oceânica acquired its first ROV for inspection and operation in deep waters.
- Creation of Training Center for Work Class ROVs (CTO), implementation of Diver of the Future Project, ROV Trainee and Operations Trainee Programs – Having as a characteristic the thorough training of its professionals, Oceânica opens one more training center in Maricá (RJ),specially focusing on activities with ROV use. The CTO has great structure for theoretical and practice training, with simulators and tanks for ROV.
- Signing of relevant contracts, as a result of our innovative solutions: Pressure equalization, Hibernation and Lot C.

Currently, the only company in the Brazilian market that provides inspection in depths from 0 to 3,000 meters.
> 200 professional divers
34 ROVs and > 200 ROV pilots
> 250 technicians and engineers
More than 24 thousand hours of inspection in 57 O&G platforms in 2020

Pioneer and the only company to provide this kind of service in Brazil
Largest specialized assets base from Brazil
> 200 technicians and engineers

Subsea EPC works and decommission for offshore energy industry
> 150 technicians and engineers
What we do

eletro-ópticos para eólicas offshore

Mission, Vision and Values
To continue in the forefront of subsea solutions development in the energy industry, applying the best operational technology and technical teams, to always be the first choice of our stakeholders.
To assure the integrity of our clients’ assets, preventing accidents and preserving the safety of the environment and lives involved, guaranteeing long-term environmental sustainability.
Principles and Values:
- Ethics: To apply the highest ethical and professional standards in everything we do. Seek transparency in relationships with our employees, clients, suppliers, and other interested parties, maintaining compliance with both internal and external, rules regulations and standards.
- Safety: To take care of people’s safety, preservation of the environment and our communities. We must always search for the best possible performance inside the highest safety standards.
- Innovation: To stimulate the creativity, enthusiasm, merit, and initiative of all employee’s aiming for the best performance possible.
- Self-realization: The satisfaction of the employees and their self-realization are priorities for the company’s success.
- Excellence: To develop creative and innovative solutions to meet and anticipate our clients’ demands. Focus on client satisfaction and quality of service.
- Sustainability: To adopt continuous, positive, and responsible contributions to all interested parties. To be proactive regarding social responsibility in order to minimize the impacts of our activities on the planet. To contribute to the sustainability of a more humane and fair country.
Our facilities
Rio da Ostras (RJ)
The safety of our employees is one of the principles and values within Oceânica. And to assure technical excellence in HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environment and Quality), the company invests massively in qualifications and training. Oceânica has a Training Center in Rio das Ostras’ (RJ), opened in 2012, focused on non-destructive testing techniques, diving safety and meeting IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) requirements.
We have an annual employee new techniques training schedule, with certification of professionals by recognised institutes as well as the preparation of teams for examinations by ABENDI (Brazilian Association of Non-Destructive Tests). A technical-scientific institution that provides assistance with a company´s business growth and employee development. In anticipation of a new market demand, Oceânica is also preparing its employees to act as IMCA supervisors.
Oceânica is the only company in Brazil that has its own dive tanks and simulators. Whenever there is a change in diving legislation or new tables are released by the US Navy, we train all the employees and present the certification to our clients. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to service provision excellence.
Emergency simulations and new techniques in training are administered by a highly qualified team, along with rigorous periodic maintenance of equipment. With each new project, all personnel involved are trained in accordance with established procedures and regulations, thus minimizing the risk of accidents. In 2020 49,350 training sessions were carried out and 20, 100 certificates issued.
Some of the courses executed in our CTO – Rio das Ostras (RJ) are:
- NR-11, NR-12, NR-17, NR-34, NR-35, and NR-37
- Internal auditor certification
- ABENDI qualifications
- ROV certification
- Helmet purging
- Diving equipment maintenance
- Subsea bolt tensioners and hydraulic torquing, among others
Besides the training center, Oceânica has partnerships with the best training schools in the region, has an online platform to execute distance learning and an app that allows the execution of courses via smartphone.
Maricá (RJ)
In 2021, Oceânica expanded its training capacity once again, establishing another Training Center in Maricá (RJ), with instructors, three simulators (ROV, Work Class ROV and Linx), a pool with pipework for inspection training and the provision of the vessel ANHK for external training. The new centre meets the needs of the Diver of the Future Program, whose goal is to qualify all the company’s divers as ROV pilots by the end of 2022.
It is an Oceânica acknowledgement and understanding that the offshore market demands more and more from hybrid professionals. To give the opportunity for our teams to be at the forefront, the first classes began in March with the goal of training 100 divers within the first six months, allowing them to work within Diverless contracts.
Estamos presentes nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro, Rio das Ostras (RJ), Macaé (RJ) e Maricá (RJ).
- Company name: Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
- CNPJ:29.980.141/0001-08
- State inscription:85.516.639
- City inscription:51398-9
- Address: Avenida das Américas, 3.434 - Bloco 01 - Salas 301 a 308 - Centro Empresarial Mario Henrique Simonsen - Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) CEP: 22640-102
- Telephone: (21) 2139-4250

- Company name:Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
- CNPJ: 29.980.141/0003-61
- State inscription:76.116.628
- City inscription:013076-1
- Address:Rua Odete Coutinho Pereira, nº 225 Vale Encantado – Macaé (RJ) CEP: 27.933-390
- Telephone:(22) 3321-6250

- Company name: Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
- CNPJ: 29.980.141/0004-42
- State inscription:79.524.603
- City inscription:7819
- Address:Avenida Zen, S/N - Lotes 1,2 e parte do lote 3 - Quadra B Zen - Rio das Ostras (RJ) CEP: 28.899-002
- Telephone:(22) 3321-6300

- Company name: Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
- CNPJ: 29.980.141/0006-04
- Address:Rua do Engenheiro, Quadra F, Lt.10 Zen – Rio das Ostras (RJ) CEP: 28890-000
- Telephone: (22) 3321-6300
Ethics and Transparency
Oceânica is built on the principles of honesty, integrity, and respect for people, which guides our practices and allows us to conduct our business in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
We strive to respect rules and regulations, human rights, protect the environment and support the communities where we work.
Code of Conduct
We have a code of conduct that establishes important parameters for our day-to-day operations, guiding our practices and relationships with stakeholders. We ensure that all employees, no matter where they are located, which department or position, apply the highest integrity standards in their actions and use of this Code. This is the guiding principle of our employees relationships with clients, suppliers, service providers, business partners, other employees, communities, government agencies and professional class associations. It incorporates the fundamental ethical principles of Oceânica.
We carry out periodic training involving Codes of Ethics and the social and environmental purposes of our operations. This continuous training aims to (i) Maintain the highest standards within relationships involving employees and third parties, (ii) reduce the use of resources and environmentally impacting issues, and (iii) the adoption of actions with a positive social impact, such as social inclusion programs for the less privileged layers of communities in which we operate.
Integrity Program
We adopt policies and internal procedures that allow us to prevent and detect irregularities, deviation, frauds, or other illegal acts that may be performed internally or by people and entities connected to our company. For that, we created internal policies and established processes that need to be faithfully observed and followed:
Complaint Channel
We are focused on keeping the Company free of irregularities and a workplace with integrity, therefore we provide to our clients, suppliers, and employees a safe complaint channel where it is possible to make complaints with guaranteed privacy. We hired a specialized company intermediate the complaints and assure the author’s anonymity and the records integrity.
We provide a safe and anonymous channel to send complaints and suggestions regarding the company and its Ethics Code and Compliance Manual. This is one more initiative to assure the transparency and solidity in the relationships established with all stakeholders: suppliers, business partners, clients, employees, and shareholders.
The reports will be received and registered by a specialized external company that will treat the interactions and will forward them to the Ethics Committee, assuring the process compliance and the information privacy.
The channel is already available to everybody, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week and it can be accessed by phone, website, and smartphone app.
Telephone: 0800 800 8055
App: Contato Seguro (I-Plus)
These platforms have simple interfaces and forms, easy to fill in, facilitating the communication and data registration.